Rebilly news, features, and updates for May 2022
Hi there! Welcome to the Rebilly blog post for the month of May, 2022. This blog describes Rebilly news and features from the past month.
Docs website changes
You may have noticed that the navigation bar looks different in the Rebilly docs website. We've updated it, and our documentation to match the product user interface.
Our aim is to make it easier to locate documentation and to create an association with the UI. For example, to find out what customer interactions are available and how to perform them, do as you would in the UI — go to Data tables.
Developer docs now has its own top level section in the navigation bar. And, we also added a tutorials section. Tutorials are a great way for new and old users to learn about all the features Rebilly has to offer.
We have been doing a ton of work on our docs over the past year. We'll continue to improve readability and fill in the gaps on areas where documentation is needed. In case you're not aware, we use a docs-as-code way of working and the awesome Redocly documentation tool for all our documentation.
Revenue recognition reports
To help simplify your accounting and to generate financial reports, we've added new revenue recognition reports to KPIs.
Use revenue recognition reports to manage the revenue status of your company and to understand how your business is evolving. Rebilly financial reporting now includes revenue waterfall and Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) reports.
For more information on revenue recognition, see Revenue recognition.
Revenue waterfall
The revenue waterfall report describes revenue that is recognized up to a given month. It contains information on booked revenue, recognized revenue for the months in the issued period, and the remaining revenue up to the selected month. To create a revenue waterfall report, see Revenue waterfall.
Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR)
The MRR report displays information on the predictable recurring revenue for your business over a period of months. To create a MRR report, see MRR.
New payment gateway integrations
This month, we added the following integrations:
- Added support for the Conekta OXXO for the Safecharge payment gateway.
- Added support for the Cashterminal payment gateway and the Cash terminal payment method.
- Added support for the P24 payment method for the Skrill payment gateway.
- Added support for the Klarna payment gateway.
Integration requests
Rebilly supports over 200 payment gateways and more than 170 payment methods including ACH, PayPal, and Bitcoin. If you would like to add a payment integration that’s not in our list, complete the request a new payment gateway integration process.
If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!
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