Rebilly news, features, and updates for June 2024

June 1, 2024 · 2 min read

Rebilly news, features, and updates for June 2024

Hello, and welcome to the June edition of the Rebilly news, features, and updates blog.

New features

Manage payment instrument options

We added the ability to manage payment instrument options using the Rebilly Instruments JavaScript library. For more information, see manage payment instrument options.

Risk score simulation

Use this feature to simulate risk score settings on past transactions over a specified period of up to 6 months. This feature is useful for testing whether changes to risk score settings have the intended result and how they may, possibly affect future transactions.

For more information, see Risk score simulation, and the following risk score API operations: Create new risk score simulation job, Stop an active risk score simulation job, Retrieve risk score simulation job, and Retrieve risk score simulated transactions.

New KYC document gatherer User Interface (UI)

We added a new KYC document gatherer UI to help provide a better experience for your customers. The new UI uses a modern design, and is optimized for the best user experience on both mobile and desktop devices. To use the new UI, specify the version in the KYC document gatherer settings.

For more information, see KYC document gatherer.

New KYC document verification level

We added a new KYC document verification level called basic. Use this option for KYC requests that do not require a high level of verification. For more information, see KYC document verification levels and the matchLevel API field.

New FramePay event

We added the billing-address-changed event to the FramePay JavaScript library. This event provides access to a customer's billing address information before an authorized transaction. For more information, see billing-address-changed.

Integration requests

Rebilly supports more than 199+ payment gateways and supports 167+ payment methods including ACH, PayPal, and Bitcoin. If you would like to add a payment integration that’s not in our list, complete the request a new payment gateway integration process. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!

For more release information, see Release notes.

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