Rebilly news, features, and updates for May 2024

May 30, 2024 · 2 min read

Rebilly news, features, and updates for May 2024

Hello, and welcome to the May edition of the Rebilly news, features, and updates blog.

New developer 'Get started' guides

This month we added new developer 'get started' guides to help you get up and running with Rebilly.

These end-to-end guides are specifically designed for a developer audience. They provide a comprehensive overview of how to integrate Rebilly into your website or checkout flow. The guides include interactive, step-by-step instructions with detailed code samples and fully functional examples. To try them out, see Get started.

We value your feedback and encourage you to share your experiences and suggestions to help us improve our guides and better meet your needs. To provide feedback on any Rebilly documentation, use the 'Was this helpful?' option at the bottom of the page.

New payment gateway integrations

Integration requests

Rebilly supports more than 199+ payment gateways and supports 167+ payment methods including ACH, PayPal, and Bitcoin. If you would like to add a payment integration that’s not in our list, complete the request a new payment gateway integration process. If you have any questions, please contact us. We are happy to help!

For more release information, see Release notes.

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