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This topic describes Rebilly Anti-Money Laundering (AML) features.

KYC and AML features are available as add-ons to your Rebilly account. To activate, contact Rebilly. The KYC and AML features may be used together or separately.

Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks are automated processes that scan customer information against AML lists as each new customer or lead is added, or when their information is changed. When customer information matches data in an AML list, a hit is returned. Completed AML checks contain one or multiple AML hits, where each hit is a record returned from the check.

You must manually verify these checks and mark them as a false positive or confirm that the customer has failed the AML check.

How AML works

  1. Configure AML confidence level settings. For each scenario, set the degree of confidence to assign when a matching country, mismatching country, or no country is detected.
  2. Configure match priority settings for AML sources. For each source, set the priority level for when very strong, strong, medium, and weak matches of customer information are found.
  3. Automated AML checks scan customer information against Rebilly AML sources as each new customer or lead is added, or when their information is changed.
  4. Manually review AML checks to confirm result matches or mark false positives. A known false positive is suppressed from future alerts for a 1-year period. For more information, see Review customer AML checks).
  5. View completed AML checks to see the results of completed AML checks that are associated with a particular customer.


This section describes AML features and how to use them.

Review AML checks

To review, accept, and reject customer AML checks, see Manage AML. To view completed AML checks that are associated with a particular customer, see View completed AML customer checks.

AML settings

To configure the level of confidence for customer Anti-Money Laundering (AML) check scenarios, see AML confidence level settings. To configure match priority levels settings for Anti-Money Laundering (AML) sources, see AML match priority settings.

AML lists

AML sanctions, Politically-Exposed Person (PEP), and adverse media lists are used to check customer-provided information against lists published by governments and proprietary lists compiled by Rebilly.

List sources

The following AML list sources are assessed during an AML check. These lists are updated daily. If you would like to add another list, contact Rebilly.

  • UN sanctions
  • EU sanctions
  • US CIA
  • Wikidata
  • Proprietary

Types of AML checks

The following check types are performed during an AML check. If you would like to add another type of AML check, contact Rebilly.

  • Politically-Exposed Person (PEP)
  • Sanctions
  • State-Owned Enterprises
  • Adverse Media

Fuzzy matching

Rebilly uses fuzzy matching algorithms including: partial match, double metaphone for name-based fuzzy searching, sounds-like (Soundex algorithm), and typos (Levenshtein algorithm) to identify possible matches. Rebilly also uses a combination of other tactics, including custom relevancy and matching algorithms, to increase accuracy and confidence as much as possible.

Activate continuous monitoring

If you would like to activate continuous AML monitoring, contact Rebilly.