Last updated

Create a velocity limit

This tutorial describes how to create a velocity limit. When the limit is reached, a blocklist record is created for related payment card, blocking it for a period of one hour. Transactions velocity is the number of transactions that occur within 24 hours.

  1. In the left navigation bar, press Automations .
  2. In the Risk section, press Risk score settings.
  3. Press Update risk score setting.
  4. In the Blocklist entry section, under Temporary block above, in the Threshold field, enter 50.
  5. In the Temporary block duration field, enter 3600. This blocks the payment card for one hour.
  6. In the Blocklist attribute dropdown, select Payment card fingerprint. For more information, see Blocklist.
  7. In the Risk score section, press the Add new risk factor dropdown, and select Payment instrument velocity. For more information, see Risk factors.
  8. In the Adjust risk score to field, enter 50.
  9. Set 5 and 100 as boundary brackets.
  10. Press Update.