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User management

Rebilly provides user and role management features that help you to manage user access. When you add new users, they are associated with an organization, and only have access to data contained in that organization.

User roles

User roles provide easy management of the levels of access for different user types within your organization.

For example, you could create roles for administrators, managers, and support staff. Administrators would have full access to Rebilly, managers would have access to specific features, and support staff would have limited access.

Each role has a set of permissions that define what users can do in Rebilly. If permissions are added or removed from a role, the permissions list for all users with that role are updated. For more information, see Create roles.


For a list of all permissions that are available when creating roles, see Permissions.

Add new users

Use this process to add new users.

Manage users

Use this process to view, edit, emulate, or delete users.

Configure user profiles

To reset your password, change reporting currency, change time zone, or to set up multi-factor authentication, see Configure user profiles.