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Customer management

Rebilly provides comprehensive customer management. You can manage customer data, payment methods, subscriptions, invoices, quotes, credit memos, and other relationship models, as well as perform customer-related interactions. Customers are managed in the Data tables section of Rebilly.

A customer is an entity that purchases goods or services from a merchant, and is the payee in any transaction that is credited to the merchant. Customers are associated with payment cards, subscriptions, invoices, quotes, credit memos, and other miscellaneous relationship models.

A merchant is an entity that sells products or services to customers. Merchants integrate Rebilly into their website or checkout flow to process and manage payments.

Customer interactions

The following customer interactions are available in Rebilly.

Blocklist a customerBlock customers from making purchases. Blocklists help to prevent fraud and criminal activity. Blocklists are lists of customer attribute values that are blocked from buying from you. For example, if a customer attempts to make a purchase from you with a credit card or fingerprint that is in a blocklist, the transaction is blocked and will not be processed. For more information, see Blocklists.
Add a note, attachment, or tag to a customer activityAdd information to a customer's timeline, or to tag a colleague, or tag Rebilly support to get their input or help.
Collect paymentsCollect payments from customers using hosted payment forms.
Create ordersCreate an order on behalf of a customer.
Credit memosCreate credit memos for customers.
Create quoteCreate a quote for a customer.
Edit customer detailsEdit customer details, such as name, email, and address.
Edit or view lead sourcesEdit lead sources, such as the source of the customer, like a website, advertisement, or referral.
Use Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD)Use Enhanced Due Diligence (EDD) to confirm customer-provided information against public sources for multiple risk factors such as arrest, fraud, bankruptcy, and occupation information.
Generate and share a billing portal linkGenerate and share billing portal links. Customers use billing portals to add new payment cards or update their address in advance of a renewal. This process creates a unique link that can be shared by email or in live chat.
Manage a customer's payment instrumentsManage customer payment instruments, such as credit cards, bank accounts, and digital wallets.
Manually add customersManually add customers to Rebilly.
Manage a customer's tax ID numbersAs a merchant, you may need to display a customer's tax ID number on invoices you issue.
Create and redeem couponsCreate coupons, and redeem coupons on behalf of customers.
Refund transactionsRefund transactions for customers.
Request depositsCreate and share deposit request links. When the customer opens this link, a hosted deposit form is displayed with amounts that are configured based on your deposit strategies.
Request a payout on behalf of a customerRequest payouts on behalf of customers, using hosted payout forms. Or, send a payout to a customer.
Send a payout to a customerSend payouts to customers.
Tag customersTag customers to categorize them, or to add notes, comments, or attachments to the customer timeline.
View a customer's active subscriptionsView or cancel active subscriptions for customers.
View customer details and activityView customer-specific information and activity, such as: payment, billing, and log data from the customer detail page.
View a customer's ordersView a customer's active, upcoming, pending, past subscriptions.
Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) related interactions

To use KYC or AML fetaures, you must activate the Rebilly KYC or AML add-on. For more information, see KYC & AML.

Request KYC documentsGenerate a link that is shared with the customer. When the customer opens the link, they are guided through the document submission process. For more information, see KYC.
Upload KYC documentsUpload KYC documents on behalf of a customer.
View uploaded KYC documentsView a customer's uploaded KYC documents.
View completed AML customer checksView a customer's completed AML checks.