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Rebilly provides a Know Your Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) add-on that helps you comply with regulations by enabling you to:

  • Gather and analyze identity and proof-of-address documents.
  • Compare information against government sanctions, Politically Exposed Persons (PEP) lists, and proprietary compiled PEP lists.
  • Review KYC and AML check results.
  • Maintain an audit trail and compliance records.


Use Know your Customer (KYC) features to ensure that your customers and leads are who they claim to be. Depending on your industry, KYC checks may be a mandatory requirement. KYC helps you to minimize risk.

For a complete list of KYC features, see KYC.


Anti-Money Laundering (AML) checks are automated processes that scan customer information against AML lists as each new customer or lead is added, or when their information is changed. When customer information matches data in an AML list, a hit is returned. Completed AML checks contain one or multiple AML hits, where each hit is a record returned from the check.

For a complete list of AML features, see AML.

Activate KYC and AML

To activate KYC and AML, contact Rebilly. Rebilly will help you set up KYC and AML add-on and configure it to meet your business needs.