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Payments management

Rebilly provides comprehensive payments management. You can manage payment data, payment gateways, payment transactions, and more. Payment data and payment-related interactions are available in the Data tables section of Rebilly.

A payment is a transfer of money from a customer to a merchant in exchange for goods or services. Payments are processed by payment gateway accounts, which are integrated into a merchant's website or checkout flow. Payment gateway management and configuration is available in the settings section of Rebilly. For more information, see Payment processing.

The following payments interactions are available in Rebilly.

Payments interactions

The following payments interactions are available in Rebilly.

Add notes, attachments, or tags to a payment transactionAdd information to a payment transaction, or tag a colleague or Rebilly support for their input or help.
Dispute an approved transactionDispute an approved transaction with the customer.
Export payments table data as a CSV fileExport data contained in a data tables segment to a CSV file.
Refund an approved transactionComplete a full or partial refund for an approved transaction.
Inspect a payment gateway transactionInspect a payment gateway transaction and troubleshoot related payment gateway requests and responses.
Query a payment gatewayCheck for discrepancies between a payment gateway and the amount the customer paid. Use this feature to resolve discrepancies.
View payment activityView activity related to a specific payment transaction. The timeline displays activity by date and time.
View payment transaction detailsView transaction details such as result and type, payment instrument information, customer information, transaction risk analysis, and related webhook or API logs.
View payment reportsView interactive reports on all payment transactions over a period of time.
View parent transactionsView parent transactions related to a voided or refunded payment transaction. A parent transaction is associated with a child transaction.
View related invoicesView invoices related to a payment transaction.
View transaction detailsView detailed payment transaction information.
View transaction logsView webhook or API logs related to a specific payment transaction.
View balance transactionsView balance transactions related to a specific payment transaction.
View transaction risk analysisView risk analysis details for a specific payment transaction.
Payment gateway interactions

The following payment gateway interactions are available in Rebilly.

Set up a gatewayAdd and configure a payment gateway in Rebilly.
Configure card statement descriptionsAssign a name to display on the cardholder's monthly statement or use a dynamic descriptor. A descriptor identifies the source of a credit or debit card transaction and can be modified on a per-transaction basis.
Configure custom fieldsAdd custom fields to a payment gateway account. Custom fields extend a resource schema to include data not provided as a common field.
Configure Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)Configure DCC to automatically convert the currency of a transaction to the currency of the customer's payment card at a small markup.
Configure sticky gateway accountsEnsure that all future payments from new payment instruments are processed by the same gateway that handled their first transaction.
Configure gateway account timeoutSpecify the amount of time Rebilly will wait for a response from the gateway before timing out.
Configure approval window Time To Live (TTL)Specify the time within which an offsite transaction must be approved before it is automatically abandoned.
Configure reconciliation windowSpecify the time within which an approved transaction must be reconciled before it is automatically abandoned.
Configure 3 Domain Secure (3DS)Activate 3DS transactions on a payment gateway account. 3DS is a security layer for online transactions that validates cardholders through the issuing bank's website.
Configure additional filtersDefine additional criteria for using a specific payment gateway. For example, use this gateway only when the customer's billing address is in the US.
Configure additional reportingAdd additional reporting and benchmark information to a payment gateway.
Activate or deactivate a payment gatewayActivate or deactivate a payment gateway in Rebilly.
Schedule downtime for a payment gatewaySchedule downtime for a payment gateway in Rebilly.
Set volume limitsSet volume limits for a payment gateway in Rebilly.
View gateway eventsView gateway events for a payment gateway in Rebilly.
Configure financial settingsConfigure balance transaction settlements and risk reserves.